All your property management needs in one place.
Your days in front of excel spreadsheets are over! We provide monthly and annual financial reports.
We work with trusted professionals on all repair work and keep rental properties on tight preventive maintenance schedules. At no extra charge to you!
Let us be your boots on the ground. We visit each property regularly to ensure everything is in working condition.
Vacancy will squash your profits! Our team has a proven track record of renting units quickly, with solid tenants.​
Stop chasing tenants and get paid on time. We collect the rent and send it to you. You just let us know when. ​
Subpar tenants are a thing of the past. Our screening and application process is robust, efficient and thorough.​
Our commitment to customer service is paralleled by none. When you need us, we're here. Clients, tenants, and vendors are the reason we are in business and we do our best to exceed their expectations.
What's the most intimidating part of being a landlord? Not knowing who to call when something breaks. Rest assured that we've got you covered now and in the future. Our contractor rolodex is stocked with well-qualified professionals that we've already vetted.
Welcome to the digital media age. Everything happens online. Tenants are found, rents are paid, and maintenance requests are placed. Our presence on a variety of social platforms keeps us at the forefront of people's minds.
Reach our resources from anywhere at anytime. CTPM employs a variety of robust online tools to maintain our systems, ensuring that there is never any downtime. Your documents are safely and reliably backed up to the cloud, available for access whenever needed.
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